Tuesday 17 May 2016

Noahs canada wildfire


  1. Hi Noah,I like your current events because it pops out at you and it makes the reader want to read it. Do you know why they sent the civilians to oil camps? please visit my blog at: http://lakebrunnerhamishr.blogspot.co.nz/

  2. Nice work noah next time maybe have some more info about what you are talking don't just put 2. Why its bad Its really bad.


  3. Great work Noah But next time make sure you tell us some more info why is it really bad? how big is it right now just info like that but besides that great work.
    Joel http://paroagreyjoeld.blogspot.co.nz/

  4. Hi Noah the information in this slide is informative... Maybe next time put some more info, keep it up

  5. Ki Ora Noah,I like how you set the presentation out and how you explained it.I didn't realize how bad a fire could be and how fast it could spread.Maybe next time you could elaborate on how bad the fire actually is.

  6. Nice work Noah!Those poor people in canada!I hope that my friend in canada didn't get burnt!You must have really worked hard on it,Next time could you add more pictures to really sparkle it up?Also try to add more detail into your work.

  7. Hi Noah,I like the creation you made alot of people got evacuated.Did any people get injured of killed? can you visit my blog at lakebrunnerbridgetr.blogspot.co.nz

  8. Wow that fire sounds dangerous, do you know what the date was when it happened? please visit my blog at lakebrunnerzakk.blogspot.co.nz
